Portugal Sports Hub will be present in Brussels in the next 30th January at the Sport Info Day.
The European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organise the Erasmus+ Sport Info Day on 30 January to inform potential applicants about the political context, future programme and funding opportunities in 2023.
Speakers will discuss policy and will give advice and tips on preparing and submitting proposals, and on the financial aspects of funding.
This is an opportunity for participants to network and contact with Portugal Sports Hub and the group of 10 organisations that we will represent at the event: Carvalhais Sport Culture and Social Association, Bragança Football Association, Portuguese Football Referees Association, Ginásio Clube Mirandelense, Portuguese Field Hockey Federation, Porto Football Association, Portuguese Football Players Union, Braima Dabó Foundation and the local government institutions, Freguesia de Carvalhais and the Municipality of Macedo de Cavaleiros.
Feel free to get in contact with us… we will see you there or online.