The Portugal Sports Hub was present in the Sport Info Day in Brussels in Belgium, last 30 January 2023.
The event was a great opportunity to establish contacts for future projects for the 10 sport organizations that we currently represent and that have interest in participating in the Erasmus+ program as partners and as coordinators.
We work with the following sport organizations in this moment: Carvalhais Sport Culture and Social Association, Bragança Football Association, Portuguese Football Referees Association, Ginásio Clube Mirandelense, Portuguese Field Hockey Federation, Porto Football Association, Portuguese Football Players Union, Braima Dabó Foundation and the local government institutions, Freguesia de Carvalhais and the Municipality of Macedo de Cavaleiros.
This type of event it’s also a moment to meet with friends and partners from previous sport projects, to celebrate and remember some great achievements.
We would like to send a big hug to all our friends in Turkey that had been affected by the recent earthquake.