The city of Balikesir in Turkey hosted the Kick-Off Meeting of the “Explore The Talent Act With Play” (ETAP).
This is an Erasmus Plus Sport Project where ADCS Carvalhais it’s one of the three partners, the others are the University of Craiova from Romania and the Balıkesir Region Directory of Youth and Sports from Turkey (coordinator).
The general goal in our Project it’s to encouraging the children of families with socio-economic difficulties aged 9-11 living in rural areas to physical activity and exercise with educational games, we contribute to the development of their physical, social and cognitive abilities, to understand their mental state and to the positive development of their personalities, while playing games in EU countries together with our project partners.
We also want to contribute to the development of sports in our country and EU countries by examining how sports are handled and transferring sports culture.