“Sport4E” second meeting in Palermo
On the last 12 and 13 of October the wonderful city of Palermo in Italy hosted the second transnational project meeting of the Erasmus+ Sport Project “Empowering athletes through Employability and Entrepreneurship” (Sport4E). The primary objectives of the project are to upskill young athletes with entrepreneurial skills, promote education in and through sport, and transfer
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Presentation on the 21st European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels
Last 11th October we have been present in the 21st edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels. Our presence in this huge cohesion policy event, in representation of ADCS Carvalhais, was related with our intervention as speakers in the workshop session “Equal Play: breaking the basketball glass ceiling”. In our intervention
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International Training “Empowered Female Coaches of Basketball” in Barcelona
The amazing city of Barcelona in Catalonia/Spain host from 3 to 6 October the international training of the Erasmus+ Sport Project “Empowered Female Coaches of Basketball”. Project “Empowered Female Coaches of Basketball” is implemented by Barcel’hona Sports Events from Spain in partnership with Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Serbia, Associacãoo Desportiva Cultural
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EU Join Us project meeting in Rome
On the last 2nd and 3rd of October, the Portuguese Hockey Federation (FPH) was represented in the 2nd project meeting of the project “EU Join Us”. This 2nd meeting was hosted in Rome by the Associazione Italiana Persone Down, the meeting started with the presentation of all partners on current situation of inclusive sport activities
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Discovery EU Workshops at Schools in Portugal
During the European Week of Sport 2023, the ADCS Carvalhais in Portugal organized several local Discovery EU workshops at the Mirandela primary public schools. Discovery EU is a small-scale partnership in the field of Sport, that aims at increasing the feeling of belonging to the EU among young people through sport, including vulnerable groups, enhancing
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ETAP Event at the European Week of Sport in Portugal
During the European Week of Sport 2023, the ADCS Carvalhais in Portugal organized a local event at the Mirandela group of public schools. The event was part of the Erasmus+ sport project “Explore The Talent Act With Play” (ETAP) and had more than 30 participants. This is an Erasmus+ project in which ADCS Carvalhais is
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Discovery EU Final Conference in Portugal
The EPA Carvalhais vocational school in the municipality of Mirandela in Portugal hosted in the last 29th September the Final Conference of the Erasmus+ Sport project: “Discovery Europe Thought Sport and Games” (Discovery EU). Discovery EU is a small-scale partnership in the field of Sport, that aims at increasing the feeling of belonging to the
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International KIGO Meeting in Carvalhais, Portugal
The second international KIGO meeting was hosted by the “Associação Desportiva Cultural e Social de Carvalhais” on their official headquarters based in the village of Carvalhais in the Municipality of Mirandela in Portugal at 15:00 on the 25th September 2023. The meeting consisted in 4 main activities: Welcome by the board of ADCS Carvalhais
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Healthy Eating, Active Living Mobility in Spain
From 18 to 22 September a group of students from Portugal represented the Associação Desportiva Cultural e Social de Carvalhais in a mobility that is part of the Erasmus+ KA2 Project “Healthy Eating, Active Living. This mobility was hosted by our partners of the Centro Ave Maria Varadero in Motril, Andalucia in Spain. The program
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European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels
What is the European Week of Regions and Cities? The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. This year
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